Talked to Jim Shields today. He chose theme II. He said he didn’t have a house shot to use, but the CT houses don’t generally show the Boston-area style. I said I would look. However, since he has so many before/after shots, perhaps we can use one of his.
Jim already has a pretty well-populated Service Magic site with lots of testimonials on it. I asked him if he could tell me which comments relate to which of his before/after shots. I’m not sure what the answer was.
He said he didn’t have anything written, but there is some nice text on the ServiceMagic site. I emailed him to tell him that and said it was a good starting point to flesh out, so the two sites aren’t identical.
He does not have a logo or logotype. He usually uses red and blue for colors.
He wants the CT products he put in the questionnaire, plus Harvey windows: Tribute, Classic, and Magesty.
Cell phone: 617-750-0073.